mortgage note valuations are distinguished from residential note valuations in
that commercial notes, and by extension their related CMBS bonds and
derivatives are based on the performance of the underwritten property, whereas
residential notes and their related securities rely heavily on the financial
behavior of the borrower. Many commercial mortgages are non-recourse to the
borrower and often the borrower of a commercial mortgage is an entity, which
can be dissolved and disappear upon insolvency or bankruptcy. It is also not
unheard of to find commercial lenders and servicers managing properties
obtained through foreclosure for a number of years to collect the cash flow
from the property until it is sold. Bank-owned residential properties, however,
are generally seen as liabilities to be sold at the highest price, as quickly
as possible.
the non-recourse nature of most commercial financing and the strong
consideration of the performance of the property, many commercial note
valuation financial models are very similar to commercial asset acquisition
models, with a number of lending considerations, such as debt yield, added. The
closely related nature of commercial note and commercial property valuations
has led me to title this post "Commercial Mortgage Notes and
Properties." There are a number of elements that are essential components
of both types of models. First, an asset description worksheet detailing the
asset and its financing is key. This worksheet should be flexible enough to run
a number of quick scenarios or "stress tests" and should have some
basic information that it is being fed from other worksheets in the model.
next essential component of a good commercial mortgage and property model is a
rent role worksheet. This worksheet can be separate from combined with a lease
expiration table. A clear presentation of such information will allow one to
quickly evaluate the condition of the property's rent role in order to
understand the flexibility of the asset and how it will perform over the life
of the acquisition or note. The next component is a valuation table that should
compare a number of different methods of valuing the worth of the property.
Area cap rate, replacement costs, and appraised value are some of the many ways
to find the value of an asset. Another important component is an expense and profit
escalation table. This table will allow one to project the possible value of
the asset over the life of the deal. These projections will be essential to
obtaining the asset's net present value (NPV) and for obtaining a rate for the
internal rate of return (IRR). I also like to add a worksheet that attempts to
predict how this asset as a note will behave if it were securitized with
similar assets, worse assets or better assets. Access to the rating agencies'
projected returns for each asset class can be very helpful in building and
using such a worksheet.
discussed the relative de-emphasis of the credit worthiness of the borrower of
a commercial mortgage, I must clarify that the borrower credit history is still
important to commercial mortgage underwriting and note valuation. Unworthy
borrowers lower the value of commercial note, as any foreclosure process, even
a "springing-lock box" mortgage, deed of trust or bank foreclosure
mortgage (the three least expensive mortgages to foreclose) can be costly in
terms of lost cash flow and lost time. Management costs will also accrue after
the foreclosure process is complete. No lender wishes to underwrite a deal that
will lead to foreclosure, as it would be cheaper for the lender to simply
purchase the property, therefore borrower risk must be evaluated and priced
through an appropriate interest rate. Borrower credit-worthiness, therefore,
should not be absent from your commercial mortgage note model.
posted this cursory overview of Commercial Mortgage Note and Asset modeling, I
welcome your comments on this or any other post on this blog.