Showing posts with label real estate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real estate. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Digitization and the Real Estate Professional

There is no denying that the role and purpose of a real estate professional has changed over the past five years. From advances in artificial intelligence, to the popularity of digital real estate, to the presence of large full service real estate companies in the market, like Zillow 2024, this market is very different from that of 2019. Add to this mix the weakening of real estate professional organizations, like the National Association of Realtors via the NAR settlement and it becomes even more apparent that the real estate service market is in a state of change. Given the current state of flux in the market, some have begun to question the role of a real estate professional. It has therefore become imperative that real estate professionals recognize their current competitive advantages in order to thrive.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Origin of the 6% Commission Standard

The recent
National Association of Realtors (NAR) Settlement is in the process of changing how many real estate brokers and salespeople conduct business. The terms of the settlement all but abolish cooperative compensation amongst brokers. Although this may not be a substantial change for markets in which every buyer offers through a Buyer's Broker and every seller is automatically represented by a Seller’s Broker, the effects will be greatly felt in other markets. Some of the larger real estate markets have developed complex systems of agency that will now be simplified by one premise--in a residential real estate transaction, a buyer will now have to pay a Buyer’s Broker and seller will have to pay a Seller’s Broker.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Shrinkflation In the Real Estate Market

Inflation has been a reality for the past couple of years. As a result, many companies have decided to respond to the rise in prices and the weakening of the dollar by shrinking the size of their products without reducing their price. This practice has been given the name “Shrinkflation,” which is  defined as “the practice of reducing a product's amount or volume per unit while continuing to offer it at the same price.” Shrinkflation started to become apparent during the pandemic, but was so craftily employed that many doubted that it was even happening. Now, however, it is well acknowledged that just about everything is smaller, but more expensive. Shrinkflation has so integrated itself in today's reality that it has made its way into the real estate market.

Friday, March 29, 2024

The Mortgage Solution and the Refinance Trap: Why the Lender Always Wins with a Mortgage

Mortgage rates have been news for some time now. Coverage about mortgages has recently turned toward news of a potential rate decrease. This potential drop is such a relief to everyone in the real estate market that even President Joe Biden mentioned it in his most recent State of the Union address. Although the reference was a political move and this blog is not political, the President's attempts to use the activity in the real estate market to further his agenda is yet another reminder of the influence that mortgage rates hold on this country.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Homebuyer Programs to the Forefront

Wintertime is usually a slow time for the residential real estate market. Cold temperatures and budgets that are recuperating from the holidays make January and February low activity months. The weather in many areas also makes most construction activities a non-starter. During this time of year, seasoned real estate professionals get into prep mode, establishing or maintaining professional relationships, stepping-up marketing efforts and preparing properties for the Spring. Homebuyers can use this time to prepare as well, by getting their financing in order, paying off debts and seeking additional sources of funding. One source of funding that often is overlooked is homebuyer programs and downpayment assistance funds.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blockchain Real Estate: Some Things to Consider

There has been a recent movement toward marrying blockchain technology with real estate transactions. As a result, tokenization has been offered as the solution for everything real estate from investment to document execution. Companies like RealTManageGoRepublicBlocksquare and others now offer a variety of different real estate services based on blockchain technology. Although this wave of innovation is seemingly ubiquitous in today’s real estate market, there are still a number of legal and logistical issues that must be considered before fully integrating blockchain technology into your real estate endeavors.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Flourish in New Beginnings: Navigating Life in a Different City

By Sharon Wagner

Moving to a new city brings a mix of excitement and nerves, especially after overcoming personal challenges. Courtesy of The Real Estate Think Tank, this guide is crafted to assist you in thriving in your new environment. It provides you with strategies to create a strong support system. Learn how to maintain focus amidst the changes. It also teaches you to cultivate a positive attitude during this transition.

Friday, December 29, 2023

2023 Recap (No Clever Title This Time)
Yet another year has come and gone for TRET and it’s time for our annual wrap up. Let’s start with this blog. This year started for us with a focus on individual wealth generation through real estate. This noble goal dominated the blog for the first couple of months of the year and was continued in an expert fashion by this year’s guest writer—Sharon Wagner. All of our residential real estate articles have had a wealth generation theme and we will continue to honor this commitment to wealth generation going forward.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Strategic House Flipping as a Gateway to Adult Education Funding

By Sharon Wagner

Embarking on the path of higher education as an adult can be a financially daunting endeavor. In the quest to secure funding for this journey, the realm of house flipping presents an innovative and viable solution. This guide is designed to arm adult learners with strategic insights, seamlessly interweaving the art of real estate investment with the pursuit of academic goals, thereby transforming financial barriers into opportunities for growth and success.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

There’s No Place Like Home For the Holidays: A Look At The Multifamily Market

Photo by August de Richelieu via
Thanksgiving has passed and the holiday season has officially begun, so it is only natural that TRET finishes its real estate asset class series with a look at home—multifamily properties. Also, for those who consider the holidays a time to get away, we’ll also take a look at the state of hospitality properties, as well.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Ready, Set, Invest! Your Guide to Buying Your First Investment Property

By Sharon Wagner

Investing in real estate is undoubtedly one of the smartest ways to boost your earnings and create wealth. With the potential for significant returns on investment, whether you're looking for an extra source of income or a path to becoming a full-time investor, purchasing your first investment property is a major undertaking. To help you make the most out of your investment, The Real Estate Think Tank has compiled some essential steps to follow when purchasing and managing your first investment property. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Industrial Real Estate: A Normal Market for a Somewhat Normal Time

Recently coming off the effects of nearly two years of rising interest rates by the Federal Reserve, the real estate market has been in a state of constant change for the past 18 months. As this blog has extensively discussed, real estate is very dependent on interest rates, as they influence property loans, cap rates and ultimately, property prices. Despite the recent period of adjustment, the economy seem to show signs of normalization, with mortgage rates, consumer loan rates and even treasury rates settling at levels much higher than those of the previous two years. By all indicators, it seems like our economy and we seem headed for a soft landing. No market has internalized the current state of the economy more than the Industrial Real Estate market.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Unlocking Retirement Wealth: A Senior’s Blueprint to House Flipping Success

By Sharon Wagner

Please enjoy this article from guest author, Sharon Wagner. TRET will return next month with another article continuing its series on property types.

Navigating the world of house flipping can be an exciting and profitable journey for seniors who are seeking an active and rewarding retirement. While the venture promises lucrative gains, it also calls for strategic planning, unwavering dedication, and tactical execution.

The following are indispensable guidelines aimed at assisting mature adults in carving out a successful career in the house-flipping arena, while also enjoying a balanced lifestyle. The Real Estate Think Tank explores these crucial facets in detail.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Retail Real Estate Is Thriving, But How?

Picture it, the year is 2023. Any and every item that can be bought sold can be accesses via the Internet from the comfort of one’s own home. For over seven years, the number of stores in existence has steadily declined. The economy is experiencing the perfect storm of rampant inflation and recessionary forces. Despite all of this, retail real estate vacancy nationwide is 5.4% and retail is thriving. Let’s take a look at why.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Is the American Office Market Dead?

There was a time in the not too distant past when I considered office properties “the best of all worlds.” They offered the flexibility to create leases that were in between the detailed relationships established by industrial and retail properties and the more straight-forward residential lease. Rental calculations were relatively simple—base rent plus utilities and any tenant improvement allowances. Occasionally, common area improvements or maintenance factored into the equation. The property was typically used from 7 am until 7 pm, so utilities were relatively low and predictable. Wear and tear on the property was much less than any other real estate property class.

The necessity of office space was at one point unquestioned and tenants were readily available. Space considerations were for the most part limited to whether the location was large enough and had enough amenities or services to meet the tenants needs. Leases were easy to enter, easy to renew and easy to understand. For owners, office properties offered many of the benefits of owning a commercial property with fewer of the complexities that come with other property types.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Real Estate Is Power

Lost in all the talk about real estate markets and real estate wealth generation is one key fact—real estate ownership is one of the surest ways to consolidate influence and power. If you don’t think this is true, simply look up the largest land owners in each major US city and follow the trail of their political contributions and donations. Large land owners can exert a tremendous amount of influence on neighborhoods and local laws. One very public example of this is Dan Gilbert, whose mortgage and real estate empire influences the entire Midwest, but also Detroit and Cleveland in particular. Even former president Trump, who has a less than stellar reputation in the New York real estate market, was able to parlay a real estate empire into a presidency.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Discipline and the Down Payment: Using Your Superpower To Get Paid!

Real estate is about asset and cashflow management. Put more simply, it’s about managing what you have. The right purchase exchanges your resources, in the form of cash, into a property, contract, tax lien, note or some other real estate asset. Once you have obtained a property, decisions have to be made regarding its repair, management and sale, if that is your plan. No matter where you are in the process—purchasing, managing, or selling, discipline is key.

One of the most controllable aspects of our lives is our behavior. How we act and respond to the world shapes our present and our future. Our ability to act in a way that brings about our desired outcomes is uniquely ours and belongs to no one else. In that way, discipline is our superpower. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

We’re Back Again

Courtesy of Pexels by Ekaterina Belinskaya

It’s a pleasure to once again write to on this blog. TRET’s contribution to 2023 is long overdue and I couldn’t let the year go by without a post. As some of you may have noticed. The TRET website was down for a few weeks, which had to do with some hosting issue that have been corrected and we are now happy to bring you new content.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Transform Your Garage Into a Home Office Area

Suzie Wilson

If you work remotely or run a business out of your home, you know how important it is to have the right work area. It’s almost impossible to set any kind of boundaries between work and life, without one. If you don’t have a room in your house that can be used as a home office space, there are other alternatives out there, including turning your garage into an office. Because the garage is set apart from the central living spaces in your house, it can work especially well for those who need a little more privacy or quiet for their work.